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Corporate governance

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of six members who are elected for one year by the Annual General Meeting. According to the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors shall consist of at least three and a maximum of ten members with a maximum of ten deputies. The Board of Directors elects its officers at a meeting held immediately after the Annual General Meeting.

Board meetings

In 2022, Enzymatica’s Board of Directors held 20 meetings at which the minutes were recorded, 7 of which were digital and 6 per capsulam.  The meetings have touched on the company's interim reports, strategy, financial goals, organization and regulatory issues, the effects of the pandemic, and more. The CEO and CFO regularly participate in the board meetings and other executives participate when necessary. At least one of the board's regular meetings during the year is attended by the company's auditor, which happened in connection with the year-end report when the board also met the auditor without the company's management present.


Audit Committee

In 2016 the Board of Directors established an Audit Committee comprising board members. The Audit Committee today consists of Helene Willberg (Chair) and Louise Nicolin.

The Audit Committee is responsible for quality assurance regarding the company’s financial reporting and for work concerning internal control at Enzymatica. The Audit Committee is also responsible for the Board’s ongoing communication with the company’s auditors, adoption of guidelines for what services are to be purchased from auditors in addition to auditing, evaluating the audit engagement, assisting the Nomination Committee in preparing proposals for the auditor and fees for the audit engagement.

Remuneration Committee

In 2016 the Board of Directors established a Remuneration Committee comprising Board members Mats Andersson (Chair), Gudmundur Pálmason and Bengt Baron.

The Remuneration Committee addresses matters concerning remuneration and benefits for senior executives, including the CEO.

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