Corporate governance
Nomination Committee
Enzymatica Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting appointed
The task of the Nomination Committee is to submit proposals prior to the Annual General Meeting for chairman and other members of the Board, as well as for fees and other remuneration for board assignments to each of the Board members. The Nomination Committee shall also submit proposals for election and remuneration of the auditor.
In accordance with the principles for the Nomination Committee adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2019, the Nomination Committee for the next Annual General Meeting shall consist of representatives of the four largest shareholders registered in the register of shareholders held by Euroclear Sweden AB as of September 30 each year, together with the Chairman of the Board, who shall also convene the Nomination Committee until its first meeting.
As of September 30, 2024, the four largest owners were Mats Andersson through Abanico Invest AB and private, Håkan Roos through Roosgruppen AB, Björn Algkvist through Fibonacci Growth Capital AB and Nucleus Capital AB, and Bengt Baron (Chairman of the Board) through 5653 Sweden AB and private. Together, they form the Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting. Mats Andersson has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Shareholder who wishes to leave a proposal to the Nomination Committee can send an email to [email protected] or regular mail to:
Enzymatica AB
Attn: Nomination Committee
Ideon Science Park
223 70 Lund