Enzymatica on First North Growth Market
Enzymatica’s shares were admitted for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market on June 15, 2015.
Enzymatica’s shares were admitted for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market on June 15, 2015. The number of shares is 142,823,696. In 2020, average turnover per trading day was approximately 435,629 shares, equivalent to approximately SEK 5.8 million. In 2020, the share price increased by 371 percent, from SEK 3.97 to SEK 18.70. Enzymatica’s market capitalization increased from SEK 567 million to SEK 2.7 billion.
The Enzymatica share
Ticker: ENZY
ISIN code: SE0003943620
Sector: Health care
About Nasdaq First North Growth Market
First North Growth Market is an alternative market, operated by the various exchanges within Nasdaq. It does not have the same legal status as a regulated market. Companies on First North Growth Market are subject to the rules of First North Growth Market and not the legal requirements for admission to trading on a regulated market. An investment in a company traded on First North Growth Market is riskier than an investment in a listed company.
Certified Adviser
Enzymatica’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).
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