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Media contact

Anja Trägårdh
Press contact

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website to allow us to promote our services and enhance your browsing experience.

In order for the website to function properly we always use strictly necessary cookies, however, in order to provide you with the optimal experience and functions of this website we need your consent for our functional, performance and advertising cookies.

We also use third party cookies to improve our site through web analysis. For these purposes we share your data with third parties.

Read more about cookies here

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These cookies are essential for the site to work and provide you with a better user experience.

From the data that we collect via Google Analytics, we can see and analyse the use of the site over time, and produce aggregated and anonymised statistics in order to develop the site and to continue to offer you the best possible experience.

To understand how we use cookies, or for information on how to withdraw or change your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy.