Launch in Denmark expands ColdZyme® to all of Scandinavia
Enzymatica, which develops and sells medical device products based on an enzyme from deep-sea cod, has signed agreements with the pharmacy chain Pharma+ and the wellness chain Matas in Denmark to sell ColdZyme® against common colds. From November this year, ColdZyme will be available on the Danish market, and thus in all of Scandinavia.
"According to plan, we are expanding to our neighboring countries using our own sales organization, building a platform of close relationships with the pharmacy and wellness market throughout Scandinavia. The expanded geographic presence sets the scene for continued growth and further geographic expansion. A strong domestic market position supports successful international distribution later on", says Christian W. Jansson, CEO, Enzymatica.
ColdZyme will be sold in Denmark through Pharma+, one of the dominant chains with pharmacies in metropolitan areas, as well as through the wellness chain Matas’ approximately 300 stores throughout Denmark. In a similar way as in Sweden and Norway, the pharmacies will be trained and supported by Enzymatica’s own local sales organization. The product launch will begin in late October and continue throughout the cold season. Enzymatica will conduct a widespread launch campaign to achieve maximum coverage to the Danish population.
"I am delighted that we have ColdZyme in the Danish pharmaceutical market. The product brings something really new in the cold segment by acting directly on the cause of the common cold”, said Jorgen Moestrup, Chairman of Pharma+.
The common cold is one of the most common infectious diseases. Enzymatica estimates that the total value of the non-prescription cold and flu market in Denmark amounts to approximately SEK 375 million.
For more information, please contact:
Christian W Jansson, CEO Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46 706 37 12 58. Email: [email protected]
Tina Dackemark Lawesson, Senior Communications Officer Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46 46 286 31 00. Email: [email protected]
About ColdZyme
ColdZyme ® Mouth spray reduces the risk of getting a cold or shortens the period of illness in the early stages of a cold infection if you are already affected. ColdZyme exerts its effect by creating a protective barrier enzyme in the lining of the mouth and throat. The barrier reduces the viruses' ability to attach to cells in the oral mucosa and cause disease. The product has been on sale via pharmacies and health specialist stores in Sweden since 2013. In 2014 the product expanded to pharmacies in Norway and the Boots pharmacy chain in the UK. For more information, please visit