Enzymatica AB: Bulletin from annual general meeting 2017 in Enzymatica AB (publ)
Lund April 20, 2017
Press Release
Lund April 20, 2017
Bulletin from annual general meeting 2017 in Enzymatica AB (publ)
Enzymatica held its annual general meeting today 20 April 2017 in Lund. The annual general meeting resolved upon the following:
Appropriation of profit/loss
The annual general meeting resolved to adopt the income statements and the balance sheets of the group and parent company and resolved to carry forward the funds available at the annual general meeting and, consequently, resolved not to distribute any dividend for the financial year 2016.
Discharge from liability for the members of the board of directors and the CEO
The annual general meeting discharged the board of directors and the CEO from liability for the financial year 2016.
Board of directors and auditor
The annual general meeting resolved to re-elect Bengt Baron, Mats K Andersson, Guðmundur Pálmason, Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Sigurgeir Guðlaugsson and Louise Nicolin as members of the board of directors. Bengt Baron was re-elected chairman of the board.
The annual general meeting resolved to appoint Deloitte AB as new auditor of the company for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. Deloitte AB has informed that Per-Arne Pettersson will be auditor in charge.
Remuneration to the board of directors and the auditor
The annual general meeting resolved that the total fees to the board of directors will amount to SEK 950,000, excluding remuneration for committee work, of which SEK 350,000 will be paid to the chairman and SEK 120,000 to each of the other members elected at the annual general meeting and not employed by the company. SEK 50,000 will be paid for work performed by the chairman of the audit committee and no remuneration will be paid to the other members. No remuneration will be paid to the members of the remuneration committee.
The annual general meeting resolved that fees to the auditor shall be paid according to approved invoice.
Guidelines for remuneration for senior executives
The annual general meeting resolved in accordance with the board of directors' proposal on guidelines for remuneration for senior executives.
Authorization of the board to issue new shares
The annual general meeting resolved to authorize the board to issue a maximum of 9,000,000 shares with or without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, to raise new capital and to take advantage of future opportunities to attract new long-term owners of strategic importance to the company, as well as to finance the company's growth strategy.
Resolution on personnel option program
The annual general meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal for resolution to adopt a personnel option program and resolution to issue directed warrants as well as approval of transfer of warrants. The program entails that a maximum of 3,750,000 personnel options shall be offered to a by the board elected circle of individuals from and including 21 April 2017 to and including 1 May 2017. The holders can utilize the allotted personnel options until 31 July 2023. Each personnel option confers a right to acquire one new share in the company against cash consideration at a utilization price of 150% of the average value of the Enzymatica share on Nasdaq First North during the period from and including 5 April 2017 to and including 19 April 2017. The personnel options shall be allotted without consideration and shall not constitute securities and shall not be able to be transferred or pledged.
In order to enable the delivery of shares as well as to hedge ancillary costs, primarily social security charges, a maximum of 4,928,250 warrants shall be issued to the wholly owned subsidiary of Enzymatica Care AB which thereafter may be transferred to the participants without consideration in connection with the utilization of personnel options. The maximum dilution effect of the program is approximately 5.1 percent.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Lindberg, CEO Enzymatica AB
Tel: +46 708-86 53 70 | E-post: [email protected]
About Enzymatica AB
Enzymatica is a life science company who develops and sells medical device products against infectious-related diseases. Over a short period the company has developed a unique oral spray for colds, ColdZyme®, and launched it on eight markets. The product has become one of the leading articles for colds in Swedish pharmacies. Enzymatica's strategy is to continue growing by strengthening its position in existing markets and to expand to more geographical markets through well-established partners. The company is headquartered in Lund, Sweden and is listed on Nasdaq First North. For more information, please visit www.enzymatica.com.
Enzymaticas Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank.