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New British study of endurance athletes shows reduced duration of colds with ColdZyme

New British study of endurance athletes shows reduced duration of colds with ColdZyme

A British study of endurance athletes who used ColdZyme® Mouth Spray shows significantly shorter duration of colds compared with endurance athletes in the untreated group. The researcher-initiated study was conducted at the University of Kent and the results confirm the findings from previous ColdZyme studies.

This prospective randomized observational study1 conducted at the University of Kent included 39 endurance athletes who participate in competitive sports such as marathons, bicycling and triathlons. Thirty-five of the 39 athletes completed the study; 18 of them were in the group treated with ColdZyme and 17 were in the untreated control group. During the period December 2017 – February 2018 they were monitored through training and illness symptom logs according to the Jackson cold scale.

The study results show that cold episodes lasted 11 days without treatment and 8 days with ColdZyme treatment. When researchers investigated how ColdZyme had been used, they found that athletes who had followed the instructions for use achieved statistically significant better results, with cold episodes lasting 7.1 days (p<0.038) compared with the control group.

Endurance athletes as a group are of particular interest because intensive training loads lower immunity and make them more susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections, causing them to lose training and competition days.

  • “Treatment strategies to reduce illness episodes are beneficial for athletes by reducing the number of training days lost. This pilot study indicates that ColdZyme can reduce cold duration when used correctly,” says Professor Glen Davison, Professor of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Kent.

The results of the Kent study confirm the results from previous studies of ColdZyme. The COLDPREV (Clarsund et al., 2017) clinical study showed that illness duration was 54% shorter among healthy adults who were inoculated with Rhinovirus and treated with ColdZyme. A number of observational studies have also shown shorter duration of colds when the studied group used ColdZyme.

1) Davison et al, Does ColdZyme reduce upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) incidence or duration in endurance athletes, 3rd European Otolaryngology-ENT Surgery Conference, October 08-10, 2018 London, UK

For more information, please contact:

Fredrik Lindberg, CEO, Enzymatica AB Tel: +46 (0)708-86 53 70 | Email: [email protected]

About Enzymatica AB

Enzymatica AB is a Swedish life science company that develops and sells medical devices for infection-related diseases. The products are based on a barrier technology that includes marine enzymes. The company’s first product is ColdZyme® Mouth Spray, which can prevent colds and reduce the duration of disease. The product has been launched in about ten markets. The strategy is to continue to grow by strengthening the Company’s position in existing markets and expanding into new geographic markets through established partners. The company has its headquarters in Lund and is listed on Nasdaq First North. For more information,

Enzymatica’s certified adviser is Erik Penser Bank.
