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Research & Development

The Enzymatica Research Journey

Enzymatica is a leader in enzyme science.

From discovery to development, Enzymatica has been asking ‘how can trypsin enzymes affect greater patient care?’ This pursuit and long-term commitment has led to a healthcare innovation that will change the way we think about and approach upper respiratory health.

This has led to a technology platform with a post-pandemic global significance due to its ability to help the human body protect itself from airborne viruses such as those that cause the common cold.

Enzymatica’s research has pursued a path to validate trypsin’s full potential to bring proven health-protection people can easily use and trust in their daily lives.

Enzymatica describes this as `The Science That Protects`.

Backed by years of research, Enzymatica’s unique enzyme science has been developed throughout a testing programme spanning 3 stages and involving both laboratory-based and real-world usage evidence.

Stage 3Proof of Concept: Broader Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Measuring protective effectiveness against a broadened range of upper respiratory viruses, testing over 10 major airborne virus types and subvariants using real-world evidence.

New independent studies show that ColdZyme addresses the root cause of respiratory infections, reducing sick days and symptoms

Feb. 2025

Glen Davison, University of Kent, England and Doris Wilflingseder, Ignaz Semmelweis Institute and Vetmeduni Vienna.

ColdZyme breaks viral infection cycle – significantly reducing influenza viral load

Aug. 2023

Doris Wilflingseder, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

ColdZyme® protects airway epithelia from infection with BA.4/5 | Respiratory Research | Full Text (

Oct. 2022

Viktoria Zaderer, Stefanie Dichtl, Rosa Bellmann Weiler, Cornelia Lass Flörl, Wilfried Posch & Doris Wilflingseder

Inactivation of SARS CoV-2 and HCoV-229E in vitro by ColdZyme®

Oct. 2022

Gudmundsdottir Á, Scheving R, Lindberg F, Stefansson B

Stage 2Proof of Concept - Common Cold: In-Vivo

Assessingʼ viral load reduction scope and ability to protect people from the causes of the common cold, including its influence over symptoms and impact on human quality of life.

Evaluation of ColdZyme Mouth Spray against Common Cold in Preschool Staff

Nov. 2017

Mats Clarsund

Enzymatica AB, Lund, Sweden

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Study on ColdZyme® Mouth Spray against Rhinovirus-Induced Common Cold

Nov. 2017

Mats Clarsund1*, Marcus Fornbacke1, Lena Uller2, Sebastian L. Johnston3, Cecilia Ahlström Emanuelsson4

1Enzymatica AB, Lund, Sweden

2Unit of Respiratory Immunopharmacology, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

3Airway Disease Infection Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK

4Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

Evaluation of ColdZyme Mouthspray against common cold in elderly care personnel

Feb. 2017

Mats Clarsund, Christina Bråkenhielm Persson

Stage 1Enzyme Exploration: In-Vitro

Evaluating barrier protection and its measured effectiveness in high need, vulnerable population groups, including effectiveness against the main cold-causing viruses.

A medical device forming a protective barrier that deactivates four major common cold viruses

Nov. 2017

Bjarki Stefanson, Augusta Gudmundsdottir, A. Clarsund